Crisis Response

What does crisis support at Southland Help include? Southland Help has a crisis support services that operates between 9.00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

Included services:

  • Support in making a statement to the police
  • Support through the forensic or therapeutic medical process
  • Supportive listening, and referral to crisis counselling support
  • Information
  • Support with accessing resources, including finances to support your recovery from recent sexual assault

This may also include a referral to other support services provided within our agency, eg social work support, support group or programmes. It also may include support with navigating the court process, including court education and support during trial later on.

Medical Care

Surviving a recent sexual assault may require medical care. Urgent medical care is available from any hospital emergency room, or DSAC clinician (Doctors of Sexual Abuse Care). We are able to assist with a referral and attending these appointments. We are also able to support you to have follow up medical care.

Reporting the sexual assault

Reporting a sexual assault is a difficult and personal decision, and often can seem like a daunting step to take. If you are uncertain whether or not you want to report, Southland Help can provide information when considering options. Contact with the centre does not obligate you to pursue any legal action, unless the person is a child or young person under the age of 17 years. We are able to organise a meeting with specially trained police detectives, who can provide information to help you decide to make a statement. We are also able to provide support while making a statement, and can provide active liaison with police following the statement.

Crisis Counselling

Victim/survivors of sexual abuse may experience a range of emotional and physical reactions following the traumatic event. We have specially trained counsellors who can provide support to people who experience trauma, and help with a survivor’s recovery.

Financial Support

We are able to support victim/survivors of sexual abuse to access financial assistance from Victim Support, such as emergency costs incurred immediately after the crime such as replacing clothing or personal belongings lost, stolen or damaged during the crime or taken by the police for their investigation.